After all the stresses and trauma of the last few months, we really wanted to take some time out to chill over Christmas. So Dad took a whole 10 days off work and we took up an invitation from some of our caving friends to join them in a remote cottage in the Welsh countryside for a few days. Natalie is too young to know any different, and Mum and Dad were too tired to care much about Christmas preparations. So apart from getting a tree, we didn't do anything else to make the house Christmassy. So now Dad has finished work for the break, we started packing everything we needed to take of our first overnight trip away since Natalie arrived. That soon filled the car! So much stuff! Still, we got it all together and set off on a very foggy day to drive half way there, breaking the journey overnight at Grandma and Grandad's who live conveniently on the way to Wales.
Natalie now weighs 3.13Kg (6lbs 14oz).

We were amused to discover that Natalie's head is the same size as the plastic scoop we bought at the garden centre today!

Natalie does her karate kid impression
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